Putin wanted Trump to lose. Here’s why:
(1) Blackmail Bonanza
- The Russian hack of Hillary’s private server gave Putin the mother lode of material with which to blackmail the U.S. in the event of a Clinton win. Alas, the 30,000 “missing” e-mails in Vlad’s possession left him with a pyrrhic victory when his gal lost.
(2) Hillary Clinton’s Proven Corruptibility
- As Secretary of State, Clinton signed off on Russia’s acquisition of 20% of U.S. uranium supplies in exchange for $140 million in Clinton Foundation donations, and a $500,000 gift for Bill. Seems strange that the Russians would throw such wealth at a candidate they allegedly opposed.
- John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager, sat alongside two Russian oligarchs on the board of Joule Energy, which received $35 million from the state-owned Russian bank Sberbank. Podesta’s brother is that bank’s lobbyist. Joule Energy has raised $200 million from “investors” but produces no product. The oligarchs on Joule’s board were personal associates of Putin.
- John Podesta did not disclose his involvement with the Russian government as required when he joined the Obama administration as senior advisor. And then Hillary made Podesta her campaign manager. And then she lost. And then she blamed Putin, whose personal friends used the Russian Central Bank to make her campaign manager rich. Easy!
(3) Trump’s Energy Policy A Mortal Threat To Russian Economy
- Trump’s embrace of fossil fuel energy, especially through hydraulic fracturing, promises to lower the price of Russia’s major export asset, reducing both its profitability and the leverage it gives Russia over its captive European markets. Hillary was a willing dupe in Putin’s anti-fracking propaganda campaign to depress international use of the revolutionary technology which made America the world’s top energy producer.
(4) Trump Will Rebuild The Military That Hillary’s Party Decimated
- Donald Trump’s plan to revitalize the American military cannot be welcome news to a country once brought down by the Reagan-era build-up. Surely, Vladimir was not anxious to see the modernization of America’s nuclear arsenal and naval fleet. Hillary’s party diminished U.S. nuclear superiority with the START Treaty, and promised to reduce nuclear assets 33% below even the new pro-Russian quotas.
(5) Democrat Policies Strengthened Russia’s Allies, Increased Its Influence
- Obama’s Iran nuclear deal enriched Russian ally Iran, which plans to use the deal’s windfall to increase military spending by 145%.
- When the Iran deal lifted international pressure on Iranian sanctions, Russia announced an $800 million deal to supply Iran with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, and another deal to build 8 nuclear reactors for the fanatical American adversary.
- The Washington Post outlined how Democrat policies strengthened Russian influence in the Middle East in this article, “Obama retreats from Putin in Syria – again,” which highlights Obama’s “tragic mistakes.”
(6) Hillary’s Policies Emboldened Russian Advances In Eastern Europe
- As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton took part in the decision to abandon the Eastern European missile defense shield promised by the previous Republican administration. U.S. allies objected, but The New York Times reported that Russian President Medvedev stated, “We appreciate the responsible approach.” Sure he did!
- After signalling surrender to Russian interests with the missile shield and START debacles, Hillary’s Democrats stood by as an emboldened Russia annexed Crimea and instigated unrest in Ukraine. As Reuters now reports, President Trump immediately pushed back on Russia’s Obama-era aggression in Eastern Europe.
(7) Hillary Directed The Transfer of American Weapons Technology To Russia
- In 2010, Secretary Clinton assisted Russian President Medvedev in his “Go Russia!” campaign to create a Russian Silicon Valley-type technology enclave in Skolkovo, outside Moscow. The initiative contributed to Russian advances in weapons technology like hypersonic missiles. Hillary personally lobbied for the project with dozens of American technology firms which then contributed up to $23 million to the Clinton Foundation.
- So far, no leak has surfaced confirming that Hillary’s office sported a “Go Russia!” promotional poster next to the one of Che Guevara.
(8) Hillary’s “Reset”, Anti-Terror Bungles And Other American Betrayals
- The Democrats’ Pro-Russian tendencies were demonstrated to Putin well before Obama’s pledge of further missile-defense concessions to outgoing President Medvedev was caught on an open mic. But now even New York Times readers heard about it.
- Russian intelligence officials warned on several occasions that Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a security threat, but even after his terror-training trip to Dagestan, Obama’s national security team took no action. Putin must have gotten a good laugh out of the administration’s claim that Tsarnaev escaped detection due to a misspelling in a single database.
- Eager to press forward on the “Russian Reset”, Hillary and the Democrats hid from congressional committees their knowledge of Russian violations of the INF nuclear missile treaty, in order to secure passage of the pro-Russia START Treaty.
(9) Democrats’ Historic Affinity To Russia Contrasts With Republican Opposition To Kremlin Goals
- Hillary’s party worked clandestinely to undermine President Reagan’s ultimately successful policy to cripple the Soviet economy through an aggressive defense build-up, similar to that proposed by Trump. In 1983, Senator Ted Kennedy sent a letter to Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov offering to help undermine Reagan’s policy in exchange for Soviet help in Kennedy’s Presidential bid of 1984.
- Hillary had conspired with Senator Kennedy’s staff in 1974, when, as a Watergate Committee staffer, she concealed documents in an attempt to deprive Richard Nixon of legal counsel in the impeachment investigation.
- Hillary’s rival in the 2016 Democrat primary, Bernie Sanders, was so enamored with the Soviet Union that he went there on his honeymoon.
(10) Hillary’s Party Released Russian Spies and American Traitors
- In 2010, when the FBI arrested a Russian spy ring which had infiltrated Hillary’s circle of friends, her State Department arranged a prisoner swap in which all of the Russian spies were deported without prosecution. The prisoner exchange occurred a mere 2 weeks after the arrests, setting a record for this type of negotiation, which normally takes years. Unbelievably, no Americans were released in the “swap” because Russia released Russians too!
- Days before leaving office in 2017, Democrat President Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, who had committed one of the most damaging security breaches in American history. The release of detailed plans of American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan undoubtedly cost American lives. If Putin needed proof of which party he could trust to betray American interests, this was it.
Putin wanted Trump to lose because he wanted America to lose.